Category: All Categories
SwiftUI vs UIKit
Categories: All CategoriesAt the 2019 WWDC Apple introduced a new UI framework called SwiftUI. From the initial phase of iOS development, we are looking at Xibs and storyboards to build a user interface in ios, macOS and WatchOS app, many more developers were fed-up from developing UI by Storyboard, maybe you are one of them, there are…
How to send push notifications on the iOS simulator?
Categories: All CategoriesPush notifications are the best way to fascinate the audience towards your iOS app. It’s like an alarm to convey your message to your user. Push notifications in ios are handled and authorized by APNs( Apple Push notification services). In any organization, there may be hundreds or thousands of developers and testers, sometimes organizations could…
How to use @state in SwiftUI
Categories: All CategoriesThe SwiftUI framework is a reactive framework. No need to use any reactive framework like RxSwift to achieve reactive programming. The @State is a ‘propertyWrapper‘ struct. It wraps a value of property or object with a view at runtime. Did you confused? , Consider below example, fullName variable stated by @State, and then it’s wrapped…
Why the iPhone is more secure than Android?
Categories: All CategoriesTwo major operating systems are widely used for mobile phones, iOS, and Android. Android is owned by Google and iOS is owned by Apple, here we will discuss how iOS is more secure than the Android operating system. Android is an open-source operating system, means Google provides a platform development kit to hardware manufacturers like…
Result In Swift
Categories: All CategoriesApple introduced Result standard library into Swift Codebase in swift 5, Result has enum type, Result represents the outcome of any Operation or Functionality, like calling asynchronous API call, API response may be Success or failure, We can use Result to represent the combination of API Success and Fail. Let us see how Result works,…
iOS developer or Android Developer?. Which one will suit me?
Categories: All CategoriesWe will have an effective discussion on you should become an iOS or Android developer, Being a mobile developer, I can represent a few aspects and facts about Android and iOS development. If you are thinking I am living in India or any other Asian country, and here 80% population are using Android device I…